Savings Room by Room, Part 2: The Living Room

They call it a “living” room for a reason—you’re going to spend a lot of your home life there, whether it’s where the family gathers to watch Netflix, play with the dog, or read the latest entry in the POWER MOVES blog. (You do read this with the whole family, right?)

Doesn’t it make sense, then, to make sure this high-traffic room gets the energy efficiency treatment? We sure think so. That’s why today we’re going to give you a few pointers on making your living room a little more friendly to your monthly bill.

Living Room Tip #1: Seal That Ceiling Tight
Weather stripping your windows and doors isn’t a waste of time, but your biggest energy losses happen through your ceiling. That’s because air leaks can cost you big as your lovely, temperature-controlled air seeps into your uncontrolled attic.

Inspect all ceiling cutouts for gaps that might be air leaks. This might include can lighting, ceiling fans, and ventilation ducts (please note—you don’t want to seal up the actual ductwork, just the space around it). Check out our complete guide to sealing your ceiling here.

Living Room Tip #2: Less Drain, More Gain
Is that television really off? Sure, the screen is dark, but televisions and other appliances like stereos and phone chargers can continue using energy as long as they’re plugged in. And although you might not notice it in the moment, you’ll definitely see the effect of the drain when your monthly bill comes due.

The best way to slay these energy vampires is to unplug them directly at the wall socket. You can also plug them into a surge protector, which allows you to switch off all devices by throwing a single switch. Either way? No more unnecessary drain.

Living Room Tip #3: Choose ENERGY STAR® LED Bulbs
You’ll love ENERGY STAR LED bulbs, and that’s because they’ll love you right back—these bulbs last longer, cost less to run, and boy can they light up a room. When you see that blue ENERGY STAR logo, that’s a guarantee that you’re buying into energy efficiency.

But in case that’s not enough, you’ve still got a little time to qualify for a rebate of up to $7.50 per bulb. That’s only if you act now, though—waiting until 2017 means getting a smaller rebate. So why not apply sooner than later?


For other energy saving tips, or to get more information about our rebate programs—for your kitchen or otherwise—contact your Energy Advisor today.

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