Flip a Switch, Earn Cash Back for LEDs

WVPARET_TradeAllyNewsletter_030515_01LEDs just aren’t what they used to be—and that’s a great thing for consumers. Now that the price has dropped and the bulbs have gone from scarce to easily acquired, we’ve introduced a much-requested rebate for the following LED options:

  • LEDs for Business Members: Replacing incandescent bulbs with LED screw-ins or fluorescents with LED troffers, earns $3 to $125 per fixture:
    LED screw-ins replacing incandescent bulbs – $3 to $15
    LED low bays replacing HIDs – $80
    LED high bays replacing HIDs – $125
    LED troffers replacing fluorescents – $40 to $50
    All LED bulbs must be DLC or ENERGY STAR-listed based on type and application.
  • LEDs for Residential Members:The switch of a bulb—from incandescent to ENERGY STAR listed—can earn residential members up to $3.

Here’s the must-know tidbit: Screw-in LEDs must be ENERGY STAR certified. And non-screw-in LEDs, like those for ceiling troffers or for replacing HID fixtures, must be Design Lights Consortium qualified. We won’t be able to give rebates for any LEDs that aren’t on those lists.

We rely on Design Lights Consortium because, frankly, we aren’t lighting experts; they are. Being able to rely on DLC, which confirms energy savings, quality, and performance for the industry, keeps us from having to do our own testing or have our own lighting experts on staff. Their considered opinion is respected throughout the industry, and certainly by us.

When you see the DLC endorsement on a lighting product, you know that it holds up to a high standard for energy efficiency. That’s not just our opinion but the assessment of a panel of experts. Even better: The proven efficiency of these bulbs means you use less electricity.

That’s not quite all there is to know about earning a rebate for LED lighting upgrades. The last point? We’re here to work with you. If one of our prescriptive rebates (check out our lighting rebate application for details) doesn’t fit the bill for your business, please get in touch with your local Energy Advisor. Our custom rebate program for commercial and industrial members may apply to the project you have in mind. And we’d be more than happy to hand out rebate cash for any lighting project that can prove its value according to the terms of our program.

It all adds up to savings. And cash back! That looks pretty darn good from every angle.

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