Don’t Let Your Money Float Away, Part III – Equipping Your Home Properly

After air sealing (Part I) and insulating your home (Part II), you can consider updating your home’s heating and cooling systems. You may find that you are more comfortable, or that a smaller system will be a better fit for your home, saving you energy and money. We even offer Power Moves rebates on qualifying energy efficiency upgrades to your home that will save you money in long-term energy costs.

Connect to Savings with Networked Lighting Systems

Connect to Savings with Networked Lighting Systems

Lighting controls have been in use for decades, but networked lighting control systems really connect the dots to improved efficiency and long-term energy savings.
Then and Again

Then and Again

One Sunday morning before church, Ryan Blackman casually flipped through magazine pages when an article snagged his glance. He eagerly read how he could be saved – from high energy prices, thanks to his local electric cooperative.