Upgrades (and Rebates!) for Your Air Compressors

Compression is a beautiful thing. It can turn coal into diamonds. It can help power an engine. And, if your facility uses pneumatic tools, you’re probably pretty familiar with how compression can turn a simple thing like air into impressive amounts of horsepower.

Pneumatic tools offer all kinds of advantages: They’re easy to operate, easy to move, and safe for your workers to use. If there’s any catch at all, it’s that they aren’t cheap to run. Or rather, it’s not that the tools themselves are all that expensive—it’s the cost of the air compressor that powers them.

We’re not talking about the up-front expense, either (although a quality air compressor certainly isn’t cheap). But the real cost of an air compressor is the energy it takes to operate.

The real expense of an air compressor

According to EnergyStar.gov, the expense of equipment and installation for an air compressor accounts for only 12% of its total lifetime cost. The expense of maintenance will add another 12% to the total cost.

As for the remaining 76%? Believe it or not, that big chunk all comes down to electricity. Which only stands to reason, of course. Your air compressors operate whenever you’re open for business. That’s a lot of time to have a piece of equipment running and using energy.

To put that in even plainer terms, one source suggests that, over 10 years of operation, a typical air compressor can run a tab up to $800,000 in electricity costs. (For extra credit, we recommend checking out Quincy Compressor’s guide to calculating power consumption.)

Fortunately, Power Moves is here to help!

Earn rebates to upgrade your compressed-air equipment

If you’ve already purchased and installed your air compressor, have no fear—you can still qualify for a cash rebate from Power Moves.

We offer a number of retrofit prescriptive rebates to help upgrade your compressed-air equipment, all with the aim of making it more energy efficient. In layman’s terms, that means we give you money to save money. Not a bad deal, right?

Here’s how you can get started: First, check out our 2019 Commercial & Industrial Program Information & Applications. You’ll find the information you need about our compressed air rebates, along with a few others you may be interested in. Next, download and review our rebate application.

If there’s anything you’re unsure about, or if you have any questions about how the program works, we’re always here to help! Just give us a call at 877-653-8288 or email us at info@powermoves.com.

Then and Again

Then and Again

One Sunday morning before church, Ryan Blackman casually flipped through magazine pages when an article snagged his glance. He eagerly read how he could be saved – from high energy prices, thanks to his local electric cooperative.